Shareable portfolios

You can now easily share your portfolios and watchlists.

Make your portfolio public for anyone to see or share it with just a few friends, colleagues, and advisors.

Advanced portfolio insights

Do you check your portfolio more often now that we're in a bear market? We added advanced insights to help you with analyzing your portfolios.

You can now benchmark your returns against an index, check asset allocations, track dividend yield, and keep an eye out for upcoming events.

Keyboard shortcuts

We designed wallmine so you can find all the information you need in a single place.

To make your research even faster, you can now use keyboard shortcuts to jump between sections on each company page.

Trades inside stock charts

Charts on each company page give you the necessary information that includes stock price performance, recent events, and a few technical indicators.

The stock charts now also mark your trades if you're tracking portfolios or watchlists with wallmine.

Portfolio performance & cash tracking

We've made a couple of changes to the portfolios to make cash management and tracking simpler. If you are tracking cash in your portfolio, the cost of each trade is now subtracted from the total cash balance. If you aren't interested in cash flows in and out of your portfolio, tracking your investments is now even easier.

New year, new look

One of the best things about wallmine is the amount of available information in a single place. We made a few visual changes to make your research easier.

Announcing brokerage integrations

Tracking your investment portfolios should be a simple task, but is often cumbersome and unintuitive. Wallmine now helps you research and track your portfolios by easily and securely connecting with your brokerage accounts to sync your transactions automatically.

We also gave the tracker a new look just in time for the holidays so you can reflect on your returns, or losses, of the 2010s in style.

Product update: Track reinvested dividends in portfolios

Buying shares that pay dividends is a common way of earning a passive income. But if you're looking to build longterm wealth, you might want to reinvest the dividends instead. Wallmine now helps you track your reinvested dividends.

Announcing wallmine iOS and Android apps (BETA)

Mobile apps have been by far the most requested feature since the inception of wallmine.

We have exciting news:

We're opening up the access to the beta versions of our iOS and Android apps.

Download tables to Excel from SEC documents

Download any table from any SEC document. You can choose between downloading tables individually, in bulk, and with all historical versions of the particular table.