Stock screener

Technical and fundamental stock screener that helps you find the best stocks.

Stock screener tools

Stock fundamentals

Search the markets based on fundamental screener criteria such as forward P/E, and earnings date. You can also choose from company properties such as sector and the country of headquarters.

Technical indicators

Find the best time to invest using the technical screener criteria that include RSI and MACD. Furthermore, use the technicals for sorting your screens. They range from simple price performance to advanced oscillators.

Stock screener news

Most recent news are part of stock screener results for an easy start to your investment research. Get an idea of the current events for all the stocks without leaving your screener. Unless you want to read the articles in full.

Easy interpretation

Numerous metrics, recent news, insiders tradings, and visualizations help you make the best finds. Above all, watch the colored values that give you context. Green indicates an improvement, red a decline.

Screener export

Download the stock screener results as a spreadsheet or save your screens. Exporting your screens allows you to perform further analysis on top of the fundamental and technicals metrics present in the screener tabs.

Stock alerts

Receive price change alerts as email or push notifications to stay on top of your investments. You can customize the sensitivity and even set different limits for email and push notifications.

Screener markets

You can screen for the stocks listed on the major US and international stock exchanges. Filter stocks on Nasdaq, NYSE, NYSE MKT, Canadian exchanges, ASX, London Stock Exchange, XETRA, HKSE, and more.

Advanced visualizations and filters

Stock screener visualizations

Distribution charts

Bubble charts let you display up to 5 metrics for each stock at the same time. Additionally, use the bar chart and histogram visualizations for insights into the spectrum for a particular stocks metric.

Description search

Standardized criteria aren't effective in finding companies working with a specific technology or an area. Use the full-text search for filtering stocks associated with CRISPR applications or self-driving vehicles.

Insider filings filters

Filter the SEC filings for companies in your screen based on dates, types, and descriptions. Insiders trades can also be screened by the number of shares, total transaction value, and insider position.

Market screener and heat maps

Stock market heat map

Quick market overview

The fastest way to start picking the best stocks is to get a visual scan of your stock screener results.

In-depth stock analysis

When you spot an outlier in your market screen, simply click its name to start your analysis.

Mobile stock screener

Screen for stock and check up on your screens whenever and wherever you are. Access the hundreds of screener filters and custom criteria on your phone. If you were ever looking for a stock screener app, here's a solution.


Receive price alerts for the stocks you are interested in


Create portfolios and watchlists from your screener results

Insiders trading

One-click access to the most recent SEC Form 4 filings in your screen

Advanced charts

Watch and interact with the advanced technical indicators


News are part of stock screener results for an easy start to your research

You are in good company

Wallmine is the favorite tool of many professional and retail investors.

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"Wallmine contains a variety of tools including a market map, which displays a visual representation of price changes and volume, and a stock screener. It's got some interesting tools to play with."

What is a stock screener?

A stock screener lets you filter stocks based on a set of criteria instantly. A lot of times, it serves as a starting point for stock analysis. It screens through thousands of companies and leaves you just the ones that fit your screening criteria. You can use it to look for value stocks for a long-term portfolio, growth stocks about to break out, or an overview of the Energy sector.

The key to benefiting from using a stock screener is choosing the right criteria. While the choice largely depends on your unique needs and investment strategy there are a few rules to remember.

First of all, fundamental screener metrics are for finding which stocks to might be a good investment.
Secondly, technical screener metrics help you determine when to buy a certain stock. The stock screener packs detailed information about many aspects of the companies' profitability and growth that you can evaluate directly in the screener. Finally, you'll need to browse through individual companies to find if they're the best investment for you.

Best stock screening criteria

Look for stocks with low P/E ratio to make sure you'll get the stocks for cheap. Set your screener to filter stocks with high dividends, because they signal stable and established companies. You should look for a daily volume of at least 250,000 shares and moderately low institutional ownership.

Look for high P/E ratio and relatively expensive price per share. The company should not be paying dividends are you expect them to invest in themselves. You could limit your search to a specific sector, for example Health care since it's volatile. Look for peaks in 52-week highs.

Look for relative volume higher than 1 and daily volume of more than 300,000 shares. Set price change in the past month, 3 months, and 1 year to be slightly positive to ensure you'll find stocks that go up consistently. Filter stocks that aren't in 15% range growth of their 50-week SMA.